Here are some of the most recent things I have made, both personal projects and Work stuff, storyboards, keyframes and visuals. I tend to use traditional inking and digital colour for a lot of my work, however I am a convert to the amazing brushes of Frenden and Kyle T Webster- both of whom create fantastic and accurate digital substitutes for ink and brushes; if I'm in a hurry then I turn to Photoshop.

Analogue ink and digital colour.
This illustration was produced for a 'Cover version', alternative cover for George Saunders' 'Tenth of December' (see below)

Some Keyframes from an unreleased IP.

Some storyboards for another as yet unreleased IP.

And finally: One of the ongoing series of collaborations with Sainty- we each draw half of a scene. One day this will be printed as a book or series of prints. In this example Sainty drew the blue area and I handled the red section.

Thanks so much for looking.
If you'd like me to make your ideas look incredible- storyboarding, Illustration, concepting, compositing and/or retouching please feel free to contact me;