These illustrations are selected from a recent burst of activity, mainly for my own amusement, though some images, such as the following nine, are earmarked for an ongoing collaboration project. I work in a sketchbook (a sadly now destroyed Daycraft A5 beauty [damn this English weather] and a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook for example) using blue pencil, before inking directly over the top with both a Pentel Brushpen and a Zig Realcolour brush pen. Clean up, colour and texture additions happen afterwards in Adobe Photoshop.
Gem Cave, 2014.
Fallen. 2015
Empty Stage, 2015.
Bucolia, 2014.
Awaiting The One, 2015.
Flew The Coop, 2014
The Pit, 2014.
Allosaur, 2014.
Woodland Watch, 2014
Kathleen Byron (AMOLAD), Digital Drawing, 2014.
Will Oldham, Digital Drawing, 2014
Tribes, Digital Drawing, 2014
Merrie It Is, 2014
Hansel and Gretel (composition based on a German postage stamp), 2015
Ceratosaurus, Ink and Watercolour, 2015.