This project encompasses a small selection of the storyboards i have drawn whilst at ichi. Whenever i am asked to make storyboards or keyframes my approach is simple- attempt to keep as much atmosphere from existing assets or keyart as possible given the time constraints.
Where storyboards are involved there is always limited time.
The first set shown here are for an award-winning live-action shoot that ichi made to support the cinematic release of Paramount's Paranormal Activity: the Marked Ones - the brief was shaky hand-held camera-work in pitch darkness, with more and more terrifying stuff leaping out of the shadows. The final film didn't look too far from these visuals at all.

I seem to recall being given the ridiculous window of 3 days to board up three full scripts for this project. When one is dealing with Warhammer there are a very specific set of characters, clans and classes that have to be portrayed accurately- some serious research time was required. The final boards are definitely somewhere between key-frames and storyboards....

As with the Warhammer project above, this one also required lots of boards in a very short amount of time AND it required that all of the tanks portrayed were as accurate as possible- nothing turns a client off as much as getting their IP wrong! As a child I spent hours covering sheet upon sheet of paper with miniature tank drawings... and here i got to do it for real!

Thanks for looking. Keep an eye out for more installments.